Oh boy, I have so little to say about this gig. It's a good gig! There are no new songs, so I have nothing to say about the songs that I haven't said before. The set is pretty basic, so not much to comment on there. And it's tucked right in between the two London 2014 gigs, which I have a lot to say about.
But it's a solid gig! I had a great time watching it! It's incredibly difficult to make a BABYMETAL gig that I won't watch with a gleeful, slight manic grin on my face.

Thoughts During:
- We're back in Japan, baybeeee
- They're coming up from below the stage, shrouded in smoke. Smoke near the children is not quite as stressful as fire near the children, but it's not not stressful
- They all turned to look at each during the BABYMETAL DEATH crossing! That's cute
- I always like it when Moa and Yui mouth the words along with Su, and so I particularly enjoy the rare occasions when Su takes advantage of not having her mic up to sing along with Moa and Yui

- Kimi to Anime Ga Mitai!!! Only the second time it was performed with the Kamis, and also the last ever time it was performed. I understand why -- it's a cover, and now that they have a full album to perform, they don't need the covers to bulk out the setlist. But it's a shame, because I love this song, and it has some great, very distinct choreo

- I think there's a slightly different guitar line in the opening to Catch Me If You Can? But I might be imagining it
- When they're running up and down the stage to interact with the audience for the "we are's!", Moa bumps into Su

- And then almost immediately afterwards, Yui stops too early, meaning Su nearly bumps into her

- Also, I love that Yui runs with her flag like it's a cape

Thoughts After
And that's it! As I said, not much to say here. It's fun to end with Gimme Chocolate. I don't think they've ever used it as a closer, although once or twice, they've ended the main setlist with it, before an encore. Given that next gig will debut their most commonly used closing song, it's nice to do something different here

Number of times I've now said X
- She's/They're so talented! x14
- That fucking baseline x2
- Takayoshi my beloved x2
- Fire near the children! x3
- Why do they make announcements like this? x3

- Kimi to Anime Ga Mitai
- Megitsune
- Mischiefs of the Metal Gods
- Rondo of Nightmare
- Onedari Daisakusen
- Catch Me If You Can (with Kami solo)
- Akatsuki
- 4 no Uta
- Uki Uki Midnight
- Iine!
- Doki Doki Morning
- Ijime, Dame, Zettai
- Headbanger!!!!
- Gimme Chocolate!!

Kami Band lineup:
- Ohmura Takayoshi -- Guitar
- Leda Cygnus -- Guitar
- BOH -- Bass
- Aoyama Hideki -- Drums