Legend "Z"
This is our last gig that's not a special occasion before we get to what I would consider the Golden Era.
It's also announced that, despite Su-Metal graduating from Sakura Gakuin, BABYMETAL will continue as it's own seperate group! This announcement is made in their typical, bonkers fashion.

Thoughts During:
- The opening lore states that, having fought bravely against the big power Idols, Su-Metal's soul became the Crimson Flame, blazed for seven days, and then was guided up by New Lore Character, the Fox-Squirrel. There is a little picture of said Fox-Squirrel and I love them. The look like a metal Espeon
- Anyway, above the Valley of Metal, when the Golden Moon overlaps the Crimson Sun, the goddess veiled in holy fire shall revive again
- I am directly quoting the lore here, just in case I wasn't being clear enough in previous reviews how batshit fun it is
- Speaking of the goddess veiled in holy fire, we start with Su resurrected. She comes up on the cross and then comes back to life with the opening note of IDZ
- This is the first time she pops up from under the stage while on the cross. It will not be the last
- We're still in Legend D costumes, which is great because I love those costumes
- This is also the first elaborate-ish set
- First time live singing for Onedari Daikusen, rather than having them lip-sync
- More lore -- Su-Metal is divine, and breaking free of humanity
- She also takes her cape off for Akutsuki so she can fight her evil double. This is one of my favourite things they've ever done. Evil Su has a mask like a knight's helm, which is also what we saw Su wearing on the cross in the artwork for the opening lore, so she's fighting her dark side? Her human side?
- Evil Su is lowered down in a T-pose, which I am noting only because I enjoy a T pose
- Fox masks for the debut of Catch Me If You Can! It's weird not to have a kami solo at the beginning, as they will for most subsequent performances
- It's a countdown to the Kamis appearing!
- The lore image for the encore looks like the image used for Legend MM
- Lore really implies BABYMETAL will end with Su graduating -- I wasn't in the fandom back then, so I don't know how solid the belief that BABYMETAL would either end completely with Su graduating, or at least replace her as is common in idol groups, was at the time, but if you were worried about this, this lore would not be relieving that anxiety
- Takayoshi, my beloved! Takayoshi is one of my favourite Kamis -- he is so expressive and makes such fun faces at the audience
- First gong! Su collapses after hitting the gong, which is a reference to X Japan
- End of countdown! End of BABYMETAL? The logo is being destroyed on the screen, which is not promising
- Oh, but now the finished countdown timer is distorting!
- And there's a creepy ghost whispering -- "weeee arrrre"
- It wasn't a ghost! That's Su's voice!
- Screen is flashing through the music videos they've released
- They're wearing white kimonos! I love love love when they do one-off outfit changes, and this one is so good. They have matching scrunchies! And the white really compliments the Kamis' costumes too
- Su is running!
- Closing with IDZ, even though it was the opener. What an exhausting song to perform twice in one set!
- Fire! There's fire near the children! I never stop being slightly stressed about this.
- Su told us to take care :,)
- Why do they make announcements like this?

Thoughts After:
This is such a good show! As you can tell, because I had a lot of thoughts.
Su fighting her evil double in the guitar solo of Akatsuki makes this one of my favourite performances of the song.
I really am struck by how impressive Su's stage presence is at such a young age.

- First elaborate set dressing (the big cross)
- First logo destruction
- First flames
Number of times I've said X
- She's/They're so talented! x6
- That fucking baseline x1
- Takayoshi my beloved x1
- Fire near the children! x1

- Ijime, Dame, Zettai
- Iine!
- Kimi to Anime Ga Mitai
- Onedari Daisakusen
- Akatsuki
- Uki Uki Midnight
- Catch Me If You Can
- Doki Doki Morning
- Headbanger
- Ijime, Dame, Zettai

Kami Band lineup:
- Takayoshi Ohmura -- Guitar
- Leda -- Guitar
- IKUO -- Bass
- Hideki Aoyama -- Drums